our mission

AIEC creates optimal learning conditions that aid children, youth and families to develop and achieve their individual learning path goals which are designed to boost them from the lower economic quartile.



By the end of the Seventh Generation conditions of sub standard health, education,  housing and nutrition will be eliminated.



AIEC received a two year grant from Natural Resources Conservation Services to conduct a Field Demonstration testing if effect of fire creates healthy conditions and more acorn




Late in 1978 Mr. Alton Wallace, Mr. Alex Mendez, Dr. Caroline Carlson and Dr. Karen V. Wynn met to discuss what could be done to assist children, youth and families to better their living conditions.  The four developed a list of Core Values that continue to be the heart of AIEC.  We:

Help people help themselves.

Help people change unproductive lives.

Help families develop their own set of Core Values.


Core values

Hard work


Provident Living



Use good judgement

Be healthy

Help Others

Be culturally minded


Purpose with action causes positive change.

Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.
— Sitting Bull, Lakota

AIEC crafted their Mission and Vision statements to systematically identify, organize and direct funds and services that aid families in overcoming the barriers of race, low economic conditions and social class.

AIEC assists communities to administer all of its resources to boost children, youth and families out of the lower quartile, in turn, creating conditions that foster individual self worth.



  • 1980

    AIEC organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit under the Internal Revenue Service code. AIEC begins by organizing a 32public K-12 public school consortium to serve over 500 American Indian children, youth and families.

  • 1995

    Dr. Karen Wynn, Founder, receives a national reading award from Tucson Area Reading Council for directing AIEC's efforts that promoted literacy skills to early childhood aged children by their parents and caregivers

  • 2004

    AIEC organized a second office in Coarsegold, CA serving 65 California tribes.